<aside> 🌱 Nursery Monitoring System

The nursery management system is focused on efficiently managing the orders that come into your nursery. Within this system, you can create orders and change the cultivation status of those orders. Users can also access the system via mobile devices, and the cultivation status can be changed by clicking button or scanning a QR code.

πŸ”Β The system works differently depending on your permissions, and features like order management and nursery management are common to all users. Order management shows all orders, while nursery management covers orders at any stage from sowing to pre-shipment.

General user features:

Admin function:

πŸ–₯️ The environmental monitoring system provides a variety of data from inside the nursery in a rolling screen that automatically updates every 10 seconds. Starting with environmental information in the germination, nursery, and healing rooms, the system shows the number of orders and sowings for the current month and year compared to last year, and provides graph visualization of the change in sowings per month for the current year compared to last year. It also provides statistical information about crops, live and grafts, varieties, and tray utilization rates for the current month and year. With this information, can get a real-time view of the nursery's operations and execute efficient management.


<aside> πŸ“‹ Admin Manuals


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<aside> πŸ“‹ General User Manuals


[α„‹α…²α†¨α„†α…­α„Œα…‘α†Όα„€α…ͺᆫ라사스템] α„‰α…‘α„‹α…­α†Όα„Œα…‘ ᄆᅒ뉴ᄋα…₯α†―.pdf


<aside> πŸ“‹ Mobile screens


